Let Him Love You First

I plead to you, young lady. Let Him.

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Let Him love you first.

Before you start waiting for the right guy, grant the access to your heart first to its Maker, Jesus.

And when you give that heart to Him, I won’t promise that it will not be broken. Because it will be. Yet it will be broken for all the right reasons. You’ll be amazed how your heart will cry out the truest and purest prayer, “God, break my heart for what break Yours.”

You’ll see a clear picture of how your heart’s brokenness can save those who are crushed in spirit. Your willingness to share your brokenness can bring comfort to those who are weary and wounded.

Brokenness will turn as your testimony.

Brokenness will make shame into praise.

Brokenness will qualify you to His kingdom.

Brokenness will be made whole.


Let Him love you first.

Before you chase your dreams, commission yourself in following the greatest desire your heart can ever claim, a relationship with God.

..because nothing of this world can ever satisfy your soul.

Only Him. He will be enough. Every hard work, every investment, and every time spent will be paid by the most satisfying reward ..unconditional love.

Let Him love you first.

Before you give grace to others, allow yourself to also lavishly receive grace from Him.

You will be seen. All of you. Every piece of you.

Your past and your future. All those behind the scenes will be exposed.

But His love will regard all the flaws. It won’t blame. You won’t hear this world’s voice shouting, “Just give up.” You will be wrapped with the grace which says, “I am in control. I’ve got you. Rest my daughter. I care for you and I see your situation. I have a plan. Will you give this to me? Trust me more.” 

Beloved, when you are hurting, God is hurting with you. When you are mad, God is as mad as you are. When you are in pain, He is side-by-side and face-to-face with you. Throw away the lies that you can’t hear Him because He’ll fight just for you to feel His love. In fact, at one point in our history in a land full of blood and sins, He entered our pain and died for you and me. He suffered not only for us but with us.

Let Him love you first.

Before you allow the right guy to pursue you, give your yes to the Lord first.

Because God wants to show you how you should be loved.

He wants to give you heaven and earth before anyone can promise you the sun and the moon.

He wants you to experience his genuine intention to serenade you with His goodness and mercy.

He wants to rejoice with you and quiet you with His love.

He longs to have a lot of your “firsts.”

Remember the time you conquer that childhood fear for the first time? You cried. He wanted to hug you. He was the happiest. He trampled the enemy just to supply you with the courage you need. You did a good job.

How about the time you conquer your first mountain? The view took your breath away but God was looking at you the entire time and proudly claimed, “No better view than you, my child.”

How about the first time your friends ditched you? God was actually there too. He sat beside you, touched your hand, and made you feel that being alone doesn’t identify you as a woman. You are on a journey with Him. Since then, you have never been afraid to be left out. You know deep in your heart that you will never be alone.

He wants more of you. He wants more of your time. He wants more of your firsts.

Do not rush in giving your heart away. Do not rush in leaving His presence.

“Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking in anything.” (James 1:4)

Let Him love you first.

Let Him love you, before you love yourself.

Because it has always been you.

I think the devil’s biggest lie is to make you think that how you feel right now is how you will always feel forever. Girl, do not allow your mood now to determine your entire value as a person. We get tired. We have doubts, frustrations, questions. And Jesus welcomes you graciously, the exhausted doubtful you, and He will give rest for your weary bones.

Trust that you are still on your way to the “best version” of you. You might think that you are two steps behind now and needs to do a lot of catching up — but Jesus loves you, right now, unconditionally. Don’t be too hard on yourself.

Believe me: seasons change. Feelings fade. Life goes on. Do me a favor: endure the late night rage of emotions. Let go of your harsh self-evaluation. The same grace that you show others: have some grace for yourself too.

God’s love got a hold of you. When all else fails, His love remain.







29 responses to “Let Him Love You First”

  1. […] via Let Him Love You First — […]

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  3. Christopher Jed Carandang Pocsidio Avatar
    Christopher Jed Carandang Pocsidio

    this article is really awesome. We know deep down in our hearts that we’re overwhelmed by the weight of our sins, and sometimes we want to turn away from God. But he is really FAITHFUL even though we’re not.

    And I am sure of this, that he who began ha good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. (phil 1:6) THANK YOU JESUS!

    1. Amidel Salazar Avatar
      Amidel Salazar

      Good read and reminder :))

  4. June Avatar

    This is beautiful. Thank you!!!💕

  5. lade Avatar

    Beautiful words!!

  6. HL Avatar

    what a beautiful revelation. Thank you for sharing this Miss and encouraging a lot of ladies out there. God bless you!

  7. WhatLiezelReads Avatar

    This is a blessing. I will share this to my friends. 🙂

  8. trixfernando Avatar

    Reblogged this on trixfernando | L’amour est la poésie des sens.-Balzac and commented:
    “The same grace that you show others: have some grace for yourself too.

    God’s love got a hold of you. When all else fails, His love remain.”

  9. […] Source: Let Him Love You First […]

  10. Mrs. O Avatar

    Your blog is so beautiful and inspiring joena 💕 I’m a super newbie here. You gotta teach or mentor me with your mad blogging skills 😊💐

  11. E Avatar

    Reblogged this on and commented:
    “Before you start waiting for the right guy, grant the access to your heart first to its Maker, Jesus.”

  12. E Avatar

    Thank you for this beautiful reminder. Not just for love but for every thing. God’s love endures forever 🙂

  13. theicygrave Avatar

    Reblogged this on Lemons and Lemonade.

  14. Chandler Maxine Avatar

    Reblogged this on and commented:
    Re-reading this because its calming my heart. ❤

  15. nicasalvino Avatar

    Reblogged this on nicasalvino and commented:
    It always inspire to be reminded of God’s love

  16. kathleenchanwt Avatar

    Thank you for the words of encouragement. It was I needed to see. Thank you Jesus! The lover of my soul.

  17. sheryll Avatar

    This is very beautiful:)

  18. francescaph Avatar

    Reblogged this on with love, francesca ♡ and commented:
    He wants to give you heaven and earth before anyone can promise you the sun and the moon. 💕

  19. Kei Juanzo Avatar

    Hi Ms. Joena, you are such an inspiration. 🙂

  20. Larizza Avatar

    Please help me how to have a blog! Pleaaassseee. Anyone? Here in this, hooow?

  21. thebeanstalksite Avatar

    Reblogged this on thebeanstalksite and commented:
    Truly, “When all else fails, His love remain”

  22. Mary Daphny Avatar

    This article is really intended for me. I need this encouragement right now. This is who I am today! It a personal message given to me by the Lord. 🙂 God bless. 🙂

  23. heykarleyyy Avatar

    Reblogged this on Hey, Karley! and commented:
    Right on point… 🙂

  24. tashieca Avatar

    it feels like I would be reading all of your articles after I have read one of them… 🙂 🙂 🙂

  25. Maria Coniluz Avatar

    Reblogged this on roisterer and commented:
    Let Him Love you ❤

  26. earthseyesnotebook Avatar

    your blogs are
    in my head. hahaha

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